Keypad emergency credit is changing

Best Lets & Sales NI in Larne

28th July 2023

Keypad emergency credit is changing

What is emergency credit?

At the moment, when you run out of credit on your Keypad, you can get £1 of Emergency Credit.  This helps our customers by giving extra time to top-up before your supply cuts off.  The Emergency Credit is then deducted from your future top-ups.

What is happening?

From August 1st 2023, the amount of Emergency Credit available too Keypad customers will be increasing from £1 to £3.  You do not need to contact us to have this applied.

What does this mean for me?

To allow the change to take place, you will get a 40-60 digit code the next time you top-up from 1 August 2023.  Please enter this into your meter as soon as possible.  This will increase the amount of Emergency Credit available to you.  Please note, on this occasion, this longer code is not a price change code.

For more information about using your keypad, please visit